Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are you endorsing a philosophy or a campaign?

The second book in the Remember the Ice series focuses on shifting the paradigm of customer service to providing Exceptional Care for Your Valued Client.  During a recent conversation with my co-author LuAnn Buechler, we touched upon an interesting discussion.

LuAnn has over 30 years experience in the Hospitality industry, and is also an exceptional event planner.  The hallmark of her success is her insatiable attention to detail and providing great care for her clients.

She shared she had worked for a major hotel chain for 5 years.  During that time, they had all of their employees wear buttons or badges that said:  “Yes I can.”  The message to their clients and guests was simply:  Yes, we can take care of that for you.  It relayed to the employees and customers alike that the employee was empowered to say “Yes, I can help you with that. Yes, I can find a solution that will please you and keep you as our customer.”

On first look, this is a brilliant idea.  It is a great philosophy.

As we talked, I asked her if the hotel was still using the buttons.

She said, “No, they stopped a few years ago.”

Now their campaign is:  “You’re more than welcome.”

Think about the difference between a philosophy and a campaign.

Philosophy:  a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.  The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

Campaign:  a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose for example:  a sales campaign.

In my opinion, the hotel had an opportunity to keep a philosophy alive and well.  The principle of empowering their employees to say, “Yes, I can take care of that for you.” 

It appears that it was instead a campaign.  There is still a great deal of value created by the campaign; however, campaigns usually have an ‘end date’.  A philosophy is a living system, with no end date.  It has a beginning and an opportunity for an endless effort of implementation.

Are you focusing on a campaign of eradicating your “(K)notty Words” or are you making it a philosophy?

Remember the Ice is a philosophy.  Utilizing empowering word choice to attract the life you want is an ongoing philosophy.

Remember, there is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation.

This philosophy helps you attract the life you want through empowering word choice.

Enjoy your journey!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sharing the "Remember the Ice" message...

I have the pleasure of sharing the Remember the Ice message to the Inland Northwest Chapter of the American Society for Training & Development in Spokane, WA this Wednesday.  Thank you to Barb Baumann and Judy Alling for providing this opportunity.

It is an honor to speak to fellow trainers about Remember the Ice.  The message will focus on helping to share their messages from an empowering word choice point of view.

As I mentioned in a recent coaching session, the key to this concept is to raise awareness on how we articulate our message.  How we can continually strive for an empowered perspective, even in the face of undesirable circumstances. 

"There is always another way to look at it." 

You might think, that seems a bit obvious Bob.  Well, my experience is that when people are feeling "stuck", they seem to think there is only one way to look at "IT"..... and at that moment, that way sucks!!

You have the choice of how you communicate internally about whatever it is you are engaged in.

Enjoy your decision.

I am delighted Inland Northwest ASTD decided to bring me to Spokane.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How do you answer the phone?

Communication is at the core of every personal moment, experience, transaction and interaction.  Whether you are engaged in self-talk or presenting to a large audience, your word choices will have a significant impact on the results you achieve; and help you create a culture of confidence.

A simple example of creating a culture of confidence is in the way you answer the phone in business.

Last week I needed to confirm an important meeting with a client.  The young lady that answered the phone was speaking so quickly, I was unable to catch her name.  This happens far too many times in business.

Taking your time to communicate will help to create that culture of confidence in you for your potential client.

So, when answering the phone, pause, smile, and answer in an enunciating way.  Imagine you are on the other end of the line, and the connection may be poor, and you only have one shot of getting your message across.  Take your time and enunciate.

Something to think about.  Your comments are welcome.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

See if you can decipher this one...

In a recent conversation with one of my BNI colleagues, we were discussing some of the comments from one of the presenters at a Visitor Day.

My colleague shared the comment:

"I can't remember a time when I didn't feel comfortable or couldn't trust a fellow BNI member."

I think he wanted to say:

"I remember several times feeling comfortable and trusting of my fellow BNI members."
Paying attention to word choice is an ongoing process.  I have been working on eradicating the "(K)notty words" for almost 20 years.

Keep your focus on raising your awareness, and create empowering alternatives.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts on the Masters

This weekend, an iconic event will grace the landscape in beautiful Augusta, Georgia.

The Masters

Enjoy this video I did about the 2010 event eventually won by Phil Mickelson.


The message is:  Focus on your Self Talk.

You hold the key to your successes.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There is nothing I would do for you.....

Millions of people read hundreds of comic strips in newspapers around the world.  The Born Loser created by Art and Chip Sansom had a classic example of a “(K)notty Word” in Action.

Here is the dialog from that strip:

"Chief, I want you to know there is nothing I wouldn't do for you!

"Say no more, Thornapple--I already know....after all, that's exactly what you been doing for me for years!

What a great demonstration of the articulatory confusion that occurs with a not attached to a host word like “would”.

I know it is just a cartoon script, yet you hear word usage like this in conversations you hear daily.

Raise your awareness and listen for examples.  AND  Think how you would re-frame the message.

Have an empowering word choice day.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sixty Minutes of Television

Have fun with this exercise.

This is one of my favorite homework assignments for my coaching clients and my training courses.