Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When I trained with Tony Robbins back in 1991, I experienced and learned several life changing concepts including overcoming phobias, doing a fire-walk over 1000 degree hot coals and transformational vocabulary.  One of the most powerful lessons I took with me from his Neuro-Associative Conditioning Systems (NACS) Certification program in Kona, HI that July; was the mantra:

Repetition is the mother of skill.
~~~Tony Robbins

In Remember the Ice, this mantra is like a heartbeat.  When I founded the concept two days after returning from my experience in Hawaii, I knew right away that Repetition would be one of my greatest allies in changing life-long word choices.

Many of us have been told to stop saying "can't" by our parents when we were young children.  The amazing thing is that usually within minutes, the parent was saying something like, "I can't get that to work" or "I can't believe what you did" or "You can't do that anymore" or some other phrase with "can't" firmly entrenched in the comment.

I have witnessed this happen thousands of times in my life, paying particular attention to it since July 23, 1991 -- the birthday of Remember the Ice.

So with the idea of eradicating "(K)notty Words" firmly entrenched in one's speech patterns, it is necessary to remind yourself over and over to say what you would like to have happen.

Let's review the initial sign that started this concept:  Don't forget the ice.  We know that the "not" becomes invisible in the comment, and the customer is left with the only logical conclusion:  Forget the ice.  Yikes!!

So, this week's lesson is:

Instead of telling ourselves or our children or co-workers what we think we are incapable of, or terrible at or just plane dumb about -- in the interest of resolutions and repetition; let's focus on what we want to have happen.

Let's commit to using the Re-Framing Five more often:  DO, CAN, WILL, WOULD, COULD!

Have a BETTER week by using BETTER Word Choice!

Empowering Regards,