Ice Chips are snippets of content compiled from the simple yet far reaching concept of Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts. As the author and creator of this empowering word choice program, I have been amazed at its simple complexity.
Wait a minute…… simple complexity?
Well, yes. Remember the Ice is based on a very simple story, and has far reaching impact on the way you articulate your message. There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation and Remember the Ice helps you attract the life you want through empowering word choice.
Here is the background story:
In a convenience store on Northern Avenue in Phoenix, AZ, the manager had placed a couple of signs above his cash registers. His intention was to encourage his patrons to buy more ice during the hot desert summer. I lived across the street from this store and came to know him. Rick was working one day as I made a purchase. This time I paused and asked him how his ice sales were going. Perhaps you might think this a strange question. Alas, I am intrigued by words and their juxtapositions as well as the outcomes of behavior.
You see, the signs above the cash registers read: DON’T FORGET THE ICE.
I asked Rick how sales were going. His reply was less than favorable. I paused and asked if I could make a suggestion. I mean, after all, this was Phoenix—in the desert—in the middle of the summer. (110+ degrees in the shade)
“Rick, do you have a couple of pieces of paper and a magic marker?” I inquired. He gave me the items and I quickly made two new signs for him.
The new signs were: REMEMBER THE ICE.
I left with a knowing smile and purposely stayed away for about three weeks. When I did go back to the store I spoke with Rick about his recent ice sales. “I have ordered three times as much in the last three weeks. Sales are great.”
I smiled and explained what I had done. “If I say to you: Don’t think of the color blue. What color are you thinking of?”
“Why blue of course” he replied.
“Of course.”
Now if I say “don’t forget the ice”, what will you forget?
“Hmmm…the ice.”
Rick's Ice sales increased 500% in 30 days!
Ahhhh.....the power of empowering word choice!
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