Those of you who have picked up a copy of Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts recognize that statement as the first line of Chapter One.
Repetition is the mother of skill, and to effectively internalize and use the concepts taught in my book, seminars and coaching; you need to remind yourself of some basic fundamentals, over and over again.
Take a moment to stop and really think about the power you have in the clarity of what you say. Your sense of personal power, confidence, and self-esteem are wrapped up in how well you are able to communicate your thoughts, needs, ideas, and desires. When you articulate clearly and successfully, everything else falls into place.
Poor word choice is a serious obstacle to clear communication and diminishes your personal power. Imagine how much more power and confidence you would have in your life if you would consistently get you message across clearly. How empowering do you think it would be to know that your words influence and inspire, rather than confuse and annoy? I believe few people actually set out to confuse and annoy others. I believe most of us want to be clear and make sense. I believe most people just need to know how to do it.
The good news is that you already have everything you need. It’s just a matter of understanding the how and why of organizing and using your words, and putting it all into practice.
Remember, “There is power in the clarity of your articulation.”
Nine words make for an interesting acronym:
The Nine Words:
There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation.
Think about them.