Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy New Year!

For those of you who have been fans of Remember the Ice, I want to say thank you for your support and desire to Re-Frame your message with Empowering Word Choice.

Next week most of us will be set on making some resolutions. One article I came across suggested that 95% of the resolutions made are forgotten and suffer no follow through – usually in the first 30 days.


Here is an alternative.

Recover from the holidays. Get your game plan in place for paying off the credit cards you took to the limit.

And, consider making your resolution on February 1st instead.

The 31 day “stay” of feeling bad for giving up on following through, will allow you to seriously consider some New Years Resolutions.

Personally, I have been a proponent of making ONE resolution for the past three dozen years. I like picking a significant goal and sticking with it for the rest of the year and beyond. (Some times I make them in the middle of the year as my life dictates.)

Here are two of my favorites:


On September 15, 1983 I was working as a Counseling Psychologist for a Community Mental Health Center in our satellite office in Pinckneyville, IL. After 5 straight hour long sessions with clients, I was looking forward to a quick 15 minute break before my next session. I went to the front door of our small office and just took in the view of the Thursday afternoon. The phone rang and my secretary at our main office in DuQuoin (just 20 minutes away) told me my next session had to reschedule.

I decided to take a short walk to rejuvenate myself. Fortunately I spied a Dairy Queen just up the road a few hundred yards and decided that would be my goal. A simple treat from the DQ.

I would treat myself to a little something for me. I ordered a small cone dipped in butterscotch. MMMMM.

The break was a tasty one. More importantly, it was the beginning of a tradition – a resolution – and something I have kept up for 10,331 days (as you read this).

It has become my DQ Moment.

Those first 10 - 12 days I did enjoy the dipped cone from the DQ, and also realized I would need to increase my workouts unless I added some other outlets for that special time for me.  

Quick point of clarification:

The DQ Moment on a daily basis is more about taking time to relax, enjoy a sunset, take in a view of Denali, a round of golf, write my books, root for my favorite Boston sports teams, enjoy a beer with the guys while talking football, a walk or jog, etc.

It is about the act of responding to a desire to do something just for myself, to recharge my batteries.

So even though it was “begat” long after January 1, 1983; the decision was made to do a Little Something for Me – everyday – and it has been accomplished. 


On Tuesday July 23, 1991 at 10:07AM, I walked into a convenience store on Northern Avenue in Phoenix, AZ and saw a sign above the cash register:  Don't forget the ice.  I changed the sign to Remember the Ice and the result was amazing for his ice sales.  It was just the tip of a paradigm iceberg for me.

I developed Remember the Ice some 7463 days ago and I have been eradicating the "(K)notty Words" ever since.

These two resolutions have been very powerful and full of significant impact over time.

Take some time to compose a very special resolution; and consider starting in February after the holiday "dust" settle.  I look forward to hearing about your success through-out the year.

Empowering Regards,


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Commemorative eBook Coming -- 20 Years of Remember the Ice

This week's Ice Chip is a simple announcement for the release of the FREE eBook on July 23rd.  Watch for this special Ice Chip/Ice Pic on Saturday!

Empowering Regards,


Saturday, June 25, 2011

The "(K)notty Word" Calculator

OK, here it is:  The "(K)notty Word" Calculator

The Calculator will allow you to copy and paste any document in the window (when you click the link).  You will receive a breakdown including a total Word Count; # of Sentences: # of (K)notty Words; # of Multi-(K)notty Word Sentences; and a Score ranging from 0 to 100.  Come back to this page for comments about your score.
"(K)notty Words"
Not Don’t Can’t Won’t Wouldn’t
Couldn’t Shouldn’t Should But Try
Ain’t Always Aren’t Cannot Didn’t
Doesn’t Hadn’t Hasn’t Haven’t Isn’t
Mustn’t Shan’t Wasn’t Weren’t All

Every Never Ought

Interpreting your “(K)notty Words” vs. Empowering Word Choice score:

90 to 100: Well Done!!  You are at the highest level of empowering communication! Your message is spot on.  It is congruent and specific.  You are speaking, thinking and writing from a position of empowering word choice.  You have a powerful message that is both heard and embraced by your audience.  You have articulated a series of powerful points and have a message with a purpose.  You have begun using the Re-Framing Five regularly.  Your awareness of word choice is peaking consistently.
  • There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation.
  • There is Power in the Physiology of your Articulation.
  • There is Power in the Congruency of your Articulation.
As a Master of Articulation, you understand that words mean things.  You also understand that your word choice and body language are most effective when they are synchronized.  You know that repetition is the mother of skill and keep your focus on mastering the fundamentals.
You have delivered a masterful message.
76 to 89: You have begun to experience a paradigm shift.  This range shows you have made some significant changes in your word choice.  You are very focused on eradicating the “Not and the Hit List Six and Should, But, Try, and the Universals and Absolutes.” Congratulations on reaching this level of empowering and effective articulation.
Your awareness of using the Re-Framing Five is strong and you are comfortable in making the change in bringing these words more into play:  Do, Can, Will, Would, Could.

You recognize the importance of congruency in your message, bringing your physiology in line with your word choice.  There is a difference in the way others respond to you.  They notice you speak differently.  There is a noticeable change—and they appreciate it.  They do so, because your message is clear and uncluttered.
You are still aware of the work necessary to keep the “(K)notty Words” at bay, and are up to the task.
51 to 75: If you have scored in this range, you might have some question about which direction you are heading.  It feels like you are moving forward, yet at times being tugged back into old habits.
You are in the middle of that Cognitive-Emotive Dissonance concept (see Chapter Two of Bob’s book:  Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts).  You are more familiar with changing your word choice; AND there is a desire to make a change in your word choice.
Your awareness of “(K)notty Words” is heightened and by recognizing them, you have begun a process of Re-Education.  The awareness is the key.  You adopt using the Re-Framing Five:  Do, Can, Will, Would, Could, and find yourself feeling more and more comfortable at replacing your old word choice with new and more empowering word choice.  Congratulations!

26 to 50: If your score is in this range, there is still a bit of a flawed foundation in the word choice.  There are still more “(K)notty Words” than you would like to have.  You have probably avoided several multiple “(K)nots” in the same sentence, and may have begun the process of eradicating some of the “but, try, should, shouldn’t” words.
If you have been introduced to Remember the Ice or heard Bob share his empowering word choice concepts, you may find yourself stopping in mid-stream on occasion, and thinking of how you might re-frame your message.  You have the start of Cognitive-Emotive Dissonance (Chapter Two of Bob’s book:  Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts) as you begin to realize, thinking about using new and “different” words for old behaviors you have had for some time, still feels strange to you.
0 to 25: There are a total of 28 words that make up the “(K)notty Words” list.  (We spell it with a “k” because these words tie you up in “knots”.)  If your score is in this range, you have unfortunately utilized a large number of them.  These main culprits are identified as “Not and the Hit List Six”. They are “not, don’t, can’t, won’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t”.

In addition to “not” and the words ending in “n’t”, of which there are a total of 18, there are 9 others that distort your message, and create chaos in your articulation.  They are “should, ought, try, but, cannot, all, always, every, never.”

More than likely your message contains way too many of the 28.  The words “but, try, should & shouldn’t are more heavily weighted, and they are likely prevalent in the message. Plus you might have some incongruency in your verbal delivery:  saying yes, although you’re shaking your head back and forth in the “no” motion.
Having multiple words in the same sentence only compounds the issue and creates an exponential chaotic effect in both the delivery of, and the receiving of your message.
Consider contacting Master Articulator and Chief Paradigm Shifter, Bob Nicoll, creator of the empowering word choice program Remember the Ice. He can help you with your word choice and “metamorphosize” your message to one that is congruent and empowering.  He can easily be reached by email:  bob.nicoll@remembertheice.com or by phone:  907-862-1983.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Derek Jeter really wants to play.... at least I think he does....

Derek Jeter is on the Disabled List
NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Yankees have put shortstop Derek Jeter on the disabled list because of a strained right calf, delaying his pursuit of 3,000 career hits. The Yankees made the move before Tuesday night's game against Texas. He was hurt Monday night, four innings after he got his 2,994th hit.

This is the first time Jeter has been on the 15-day DL since 2003. The Yankees captain is known for trying to play through injuries, but limped off the field in the fifth inning and immediately left the game. 

Being a die hahd Red Sox fan, it is rare that I root for the Yankees--if ever!  However in this instance, I was sorry to hear about Jeter’s injury.  He is a class player and a great ambassador for the game.   I hope he is able to return to the field of play soon, and continue his pursuit of one of the legendary milestones in baseball.

I know it means so much to him, because in his press conference about being placed on the DL he made it very clear what his desire was:

I don’t like not to play!

Watch what happens when the “(K)notty Words” are removed:

I like to play!

How simple is that to Re-Frame the Message?  Just say what you mean.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


When I received the photo shown below in a text message, I was impacted in a major way.  At that moment I decided:


It is time to get the message of Remember the Ice out to a broader audience.

Look at this photo and you will understand my concern.

The question is:
Are you concerned?  

My additional questions are these:

Would you be concerned if your child brought this "innocent looking " coloring book home?  

Do you think this message could be relayed in a safer manner?  After all, this book IS about gun safety. Right?

How about a title like this:  Gun Safety is Important.

In the promotional material about this activity/coloring book, it starts out saying:  Guns are not toys.

Well in the empowering word choice world of Remember the Ice, the message reads:  Guns are toys.

As I stated at the beginning of this post, and in the title:


Contact me for more information about:

Re-Frame the Message:  The Community Project

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Perhaps the most revealing script.

There is a Public Service Announcement encouraging parents to learn how their children learn.  It is a riveting message considering the use of "(K)notty Words".  Take a look at the metamorphosis of this message and see the destructive power of using a "(K)not" in the message.

We need to start doing something about the disempowering messages we are teaching our children.
The time is now to take action.

Author, International Keynote Speaker and Chief Paradigm Shifter, Bob Nicoll is focused on this task.  He is going to be unveiling a project that can help make the shift from disempowering word choice to using empowering words.  The results are significantly measurable in terms of more precise and accurate communication.

Remember the Ice is bringing this new program to the public in the next 30 days.

If you would like to know more about:   
Re-Frame the Message -- The Community Project
please contact Bob @  bob.nicoll@remembertheice.com

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An example of Articulation Proofing

Here is the background on Articulation Proofing.  In word choice it comes down to some minor details.  Have a look:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"(K)notty Words" are seemingly 'everywhere'.

Take a look around.  Television.  Billboards.  Magazines.  Road signs.  eMails.  Listen to the radio.  Talk shows.  Advertisements.  There are "(K)notty Words" in all of them.  Here are some examples of ones you might see in your regular daily routine or while traveling.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A reminder of the story behind Remember the Ice

One of the most important components of understanding the principles of Remember the Ice is to continually raise your awareness.  Repetition is the mother of skill is a favorite thought of mine.  Here is the story behind the concept to help keep in your top of mind awareness:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Exceptional Care for Your Valued Client is available on Amazon.com

United States


We are so excited about the book's release.  Bronwyn, LuAnn and I are very pleased with the reception.
We look forward to hearing and reading your feedback on this cutting-edge book.

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Three things..."

I am both a subscriber to and sender of QuoteActions, an inspirational daily message with an "actionable suggestion" to implement the idea.  My friend Rick Itzkowich is the creator and it is a brilliant program to stay in touch with key people in your life.  Thank you Rick for today's message.  I want to share the screen shot just as I received it this morning.

Of course, I personally was attracted to the spoken word part of Mr. Plunkett's message.

Think about your word choice when you are giving directions, making a bold statement, or sharing a tender moment with a loved one.  Eradicating those "(K)notty Words" will allow you to convey a more empowering message.  That is the key tenet of Remember the Ice.

Those of you who are fans of RTI and the message have "heard me say that" and have "read it over and over" in my postings, articles and books.

I will continue to sing that song, because repetition is the mother of skill and continues as a strong heart beat.

It is a beautiful day here in Anchorage, and I am enjoying it with empowering word choice as my guide.

Empowering Regards to one and all...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Great example of Empowering Word choice in this picture

Photo Courtesy of Lisa Coleman, League City, Texas

Interesting way to share the message:  No Shoplifting. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are you endorsing a philosophy or a campaign?

The second book in the Remember the Ice series focuses on shifting the paradigm of customer service to providing Exceptional Care for Your Valued Client.  During a recent conversation with my co-author LuAnn Buechler, we touched upon an interesting discussion.

LuAnn has over 30 years experience in the Hospitality industry, and is also an exceptional event planner.  The hallmark of her success is her insatiable attention to detail and providing great care for her clients.

She shared she had worked for a major hotel chain for 5 years.  During that time, they had all of their employees wear buttons or badges that said:  “Yes I can.”  The message to their clients and guests was simply:  Yes, we can take care of that for you.  It relayed to the employees and customers alike that the employee was empowered to say “Yes, I can help you with that. Yes, I can find a solution that will please you and keep you as our customer.”

On first look, this is a brilliant idea.  It is a great philosophy.

As we talked, I asked her if the hotel was still using the buttons.

She said, “No, they stopped a few years ago.”

Now their campaign is:  “You’re more than welcome.”

Think about the difference between a philosophy and a campaign.

Philosophy:  a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs.  The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

Campaign:  a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose for example:  a sales campaign.

In my opinion, the hotel had an opportunity to keep a philosophy alive and well.  The principle of empowering their employees to say, “Yes, I can take care of that for you.” 

It appears that it was instead a campaign.  There is still a great deal of value created by the campaign; however, campaigns usually have an ‘end date’.  A philosophy is a living system, with no end date.  It has a beginning and an opportunity for an endless effort of implementation.

Are you focusing on a campaign of eradicating your “(K)notty Words” or are you making it a philosophy?

Remember the Ice is a philosophy.  Utilizing empowering word choice to attract the life you want is an ongoing philosophy.

Remember, there is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation.

This philosophy helps you attract the life you want through empowering word choice.

Enjoy your journey!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sharing the "Remember the Ice" message...

I have the pleasure of sharing the Remember the Ice message to the Inland Northwest Chapter of the American Society for Training & Development in Spokane, WA this Wednesday.  Thank you to Barb Baumann and Judy Alling for providing this opportunity.

It is an honor to speak to fellow trainers about Remember the Ice.  The message will focus on helping to share their messages from an empowering word choice point of view.

As I mentioned in a recent coaching session, the key to this concept is to raise awareness on how we articulate our message.  How we can continually strive for an empowered perspective, even in the face of undesirable circumstances. 

"There is always another way to look at it." 

You might think, that seems a bit obvious Bob.  Well, my experience is that when people are feeling "stuck", they seem to think there is only one way to look at "IT"..... and at that moment, that way sucks!!

You have the choice of how you communicate internally about whatever it is you are engaged in.

Enjoy your decision.

I am delighted Inland Northwest ASTD decided to bring me to Spokane.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How do you answer the phone?

Communication is at the core of every personal moment, experience, transaction and interaction.  Whether you are engaged in self-talk or presenting to a large audience, your word choices will have a significant impact on the results you achieve; and help you create a culture of confidence.

A simple example of creating a culture of confidence is in the way you answer the phone in business.

Last week I needed to confirm an important meeting with a client.  The young lady that answered the phone was speaking so quickly, I was unable to catch her name.  This happens far too many times in business.

Taking your time to communicate will help to create that culture of confidence in you for your potential client.

So, when answering the phone, pause, smile, and answer in an enunciating way.  Imagine you are on the other end of the line, and the connection may be poor, and you only have one shot of getting your message across.  Take your time and enunciate.

Something to think about.  Your comments are welcome.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

See if you can decipher this one...

In a recent conversation with one of my BNI colleagues, we were discussing some of the comments from one of the presenters at a Visitor Day.

My colleague shared the comment:

"I can't remember a time when I didn't feel comfortable or couldn't trust a fellow BNI member."

I think he wanted to say:

"I remember several times feeling comfortable and trusting of my fellow BNI members."
Paying attention to word choice is an ongoing process.  I have been working on eradicating the "(K)notty words" for almost 20 years.

Keep your focus on raising your awareness, and create empowering alternatives.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts on the Masters

This weekend, an iconic event will grace the landscape in beautiful Augusta, Georgia.

The Masters

Enjoy this video I did about the 2010 event eventually won by Phil Mickelson.


The message is:  Focus on your Self Talk.

You hold the key to your successes.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There is nothing I would do for you.....

Millions of people read hundreds of comic strips in newspapers around the world.  The Born Loser created by Art and Chip Sansom had a classic example of a “(K)notty Word” in Action.

Here is the dialog from that strip:

"Chief, I want you to know there is nothing I wouldn't do for you!

"Say no more, Thornapple--I already know....after all, that's exactly what you been doing for me for years!

What a great demonstration of the articulatory confusion that occurs with a not attached to a host word like “would”.

I know it is just a cartoon script, yet you hear word usage like this in conversations you hear daily.

Raise your awareness and listen for examples.  AND  Think how you would re-frame the message.

Have an empowering word choice day.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sixty Minutes of Television

Have fun with this exercise.

This is one of my favorite homework assignments for my coaching clients and my training courses.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interesting take by Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Insists She Isn’t Jealous of Kim Kardashian

"I am the original, so there is nothing like me.... I feel very blessed that I have been very successful on every area. So it's very exciting. There is nothing else to do." —Paris Hilton, on ex-BFF Kim Kardashian becoming more famous than she is, to the Associated Press.
AP Interview: Hilton says she's the 'original'
– Tue Mar 29, 7:52 pm ET
MEXICO CITY – Paris Hilton says she has met all of her professional goals.

The woman who perfected the art of being famous for being famous says she doesn't fear being overshadowed by Kim Kardashian or any other reality show rival.

Hilton said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press that there are many people who try to imitate what she does. But she said, in her words, "I am the original so there is nothing like me."
She added that she has "done everything that I wanted to do and I feel very blessed that I have been very successful on every area. So it's very exciting. There is nothing else to do".
Hilton was in Mexico to promote her new shoe line.

So here is my take on Ms. Hilton's articulation. Just remove the "(K)notty Words".  Here is the message:

Paris Hilton insists she is jealous of Kim Kardashian.

The woman who perfected the art of being famous for being famous says she does fear being overshadowed by Kim Kardashian or any other reality show rival.

Interesting to note her last comment:  There is nothing else to do.

What is her purpose then?   Why bother promoting her new shoe line?

There is a good bit of articulatory chaos going on here.  I enjoy the musings of celebrities.  

Your comments are welcome.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Remember to Keep Your Message Clear and Active

During a recent BNI meeting, Mary, the chapter president was reminding the group of the upcoming Visitor Day.  Unfortunately some of the phrases she used to remind the group included:
  • Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors.
  • Don't forget the upcoming membership drive.
  • We can't fail if we keep inviting.
Taking a look at Mary's requests, I noticed the confusion that others sensed as well:

"Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors."
Registers as:
"Make sure you forget to invite visitors."

"Don't forget the upcoming membership drive."
Registers as:
"Do forget the upcoming membership drive."

"We can't fail if we keep inviting."
Registers as:
"We can fail if we keep inviting."

Her intention is to have visitors who will become new members.  Unfortunately using words like don't and can't weaken your message when it is just as easy, and so much more powerful, to make your point clearly.

When you eradicate the "(K)notty Words" - "not, don't, can't, won't, wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, try, but, should"--your message will be stronger, more precise, and help you attract more of what you want. Re-Frame your thoughts and retrain your brain to use empowering words like can, do, will, would and could.

The results will astound you.

At the next meeting Mary rephrased her requests to strong reminders:
  • Remember to invite visitors to every meeting
  • Remember the membership drive extravaganza
  • When we bring in six new members during the contest we will qualify for the grand prize drawing!
Now these once passive expressions have become imperative calls to action.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Think before you Write or Speak - Part 3

Well, now we come to the Third Course in this buffet of Thinking before you Write or Speak.

We have acknowledged that:

There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation

There is Power in the Physiology of your Articulation

......and now the two combine nicely to bring us to the third delicious morsel in this meal of Articulation.

When you have that Clarity and follow it up with appropriate Physiology, the two components coincide and then you have the synchronicity of Congruency.


So, as an author or speaker, to give your reader and listener your most empowered message, focus on having Power in the Congruency of your Articulation. Focus on your empowered word choice to center on clarity, leading to a proactive physiology and top it off with a symphony of congruency.

"Communication is of the utmost importance in business, networking, and life in general and Bob Nicoll's Remember the Ice program demonstrates how powerful results can be achieved in all areas, simply by focusing on word choice. I highly recommend it to everyone."

---Dr. Ivan Misner, NY Times Best Selling Author and Founder of BNI

Congruent behavior follows congruent speech resulting from your congruent thought process......

When you have all of these ingredients moving in the direction of your desired audience, they will be able to enjoy your message. There will be a feeling of oneness with the message. Remember when Chevy Chase in Caddy Shack encouraged his protegee to "be the ball." Well, as your reader is experiencing your scintillating message, allow them to "be congruent with the message."

Allow your word choice to give them their experience of what you were thinking about as you composed it.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the three courses.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Think before you Write or Speak - Part 2

In the first article we suggested that it is important to: Think before you Write or Speak.

We acknowledged that all things are created twice--first in thought, and then manifested in the physical.

We have an enormously powerful ability to share our thoughts, dreams, and visions. Especially in the medium of writing. It really makes sense to share them from the most empowered point of view that we can.

So, I suggested we rid ourselves of some dis-empowering words--the infamous "(K)nots" that are so prevalent in our society. There are others, such as "try, but, should."

Now for more content to chew on in this "meal of word choice".

If the statement: "There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation" TM is the first course (see my previous article: Think before you Write or Speak - Part 1)...

Then, the second course is: "There is Power in the Physiology of your Articulation".

Example, how many times have you seen someone say "yes" verbally, but their body language is blatantly saying no--with the shaking of their head back and forth. Are you confused by the mismatch? For me, I will pause and re-frame my question, or ask for clarification of their comment; doing so in a respectful manner.

Ladies and gentleman, your physical articulation is just as important as your verbal articulation. It is important to get both of them on the same wavelength so your empowering message comes through loud and clear.

As a writer, your audience is focused intently on your message. They are engaged with your words and are internalizing the concept. Make sure that when they are reading your work, their physiology is in tune with your message.

If you agree, say "YES" and please nod your head in an acknowledging manner, gently up and down. Nothing dramatic. Just be consistent in your expression of what you are thinking.

And remember: Empowering word choices impact your life; use them to attract the life you want.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Think before you Write or Speak - Part 1

Yes, Virginia, "There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation" TM

"I heard this from a guy who has a unique perspective on empowering word choice. When you think about his concept of Remember the Ice, it makes a lot of sense." Anonymous

Words are symbols for signs we understand (According to my mentor, Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., M.D.) and I for one believe him. Empowering word choices lead us to attract the life we want. So with that in mind, it really does make a difference what kind of self talk we are engaged in.

Just something to think about the next time you are contemplating your next fabulous book idea.

Remember, all things are created twice. First in thought, then in the physical. (Stephen Covey, page 99, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

That being the case, choose your words from an empowered point of view to get more of what it is you want. Remember, why would you ever want to motivate yourself or anyone else with the opposite of what you want?

In the 1957 World Series, Warren Spahn was one out away from pitching a complete game victory in the pivotal 4th game between the Braves and the Yankees. Elston Howard was the pinch hitter. Two outs, two men on base, in the top of the ninth inning. Braves were ahead 4-1. Spahn's manager called time, came to the mound for a conference, and promptly told Warren, "Whatever you do, don't through him a high outside pitch." YIKES!!! Why would the manager want to motivate Spahn with the opposite of what he wanted? Spahn had "high and outside" as his dominant thought. There was the pitch. Crack. Home run. Tie score. The good news for the Braves: Spahn retired the next batter, and even though the Yankees scored in the top of the tenth, The Braves got a 3-run home from Eddie Matthews to win the game. (They also won the series 4-3!!)

I love writing and speaking from an empowered point of view and knowing that I have eradicated the following words from my vocabulary and speaking and writing......they are only here for identification......

Here they are: not, don't, can't, won't, wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't.

Watch what happens for you when you eliminate them, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"(K)notty Word" sign

Guess How many people went across the bridge when the light was flashing?  We watched the traffic for about an hour and there were a dozen drivers that PROCEEDED

Because that is what the sign said to DO!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Flaka Cruising

My friend Cornelis deMaijer from Hoogland, The Netherlands is the managing partner of Flaka Cruising.

In October 2008, he found my profile on Ecademy.com and through the information on my website, he realized he had some changes to make on  and in his marketing materials.

His main message used to be:   
Don't forget to book your cruise early.

After being introduced to Remember the Ice, he realized that he had a serious word choice situation. We connected on a skype call in late October after he read the empowering word choice story.  His comment about having "poisonous words" on his site was a strong statement about "(K)notty words".

He had already made the change to what you see on the banner (left).  A simple new statement now graces their brochures and their website.

Remember to book early

Cornelis has truly embraced the concept of empowering word choice.  Oh, yes.  His company experienced a 160%+ increase in business for 2009; and is already ahead of that pace for 2010.

I smile as I just received a tweet from Cornelis saying he has another booking for 2011.  Empowering word choice is a powerful tool.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Bill of No Rights ... Proofed for Empowering Articulation

One of my favorite things to do is to approach a message with some interesting comments and remove the "nots" to see what is left. In re-framing the message with empowering word choice, you first want to identify the "(K)notty Words"; remove them; say the new statement out loud without the (k)not; see the disempowering comment; then re-frame the message. Really it is pretty easy once you get in the habit of doing it.

The Bill of No Rights is from an email that has circumnavigated the globe, touching all seven continents (yes, even Antarctica), since coming off the keyboard of Lewis Napper in 1993. It was mistakenly credited to Mitchell Kaye, a Georgia State Representative from Marietta. Mr. Napper is a self-described amateur philosopher from Mississippi who ran for a U.S. Senage seat in 2000 as a Libertarian.

The message resonates with folks because it addresses the sense of entitlement that has us shaking our heads in disbelief.  There is nothing in the Bill of Rights that says "the world owes me a living."

Here is the text of his message. My articulation proofing comments follow each Article.

Bill of No Rights

Bill of Opportunity:  Articulation Proofing by Bob Nicoll

Article I:  You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth.

Article I:  You have the opportunity to earn an income, and allocate that income for a variety of items; like a new car, big screen TV or any other form of wealth. There is no guarantee, just an opportunity.

Article II:  You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you!  You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.:  but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.

Article II:  You have the opportunity to display respectful elegance: to be respectful of others and yourself, and do it in an elegant, classy way. The same will most likely be returned to you. This country is based on freedom--for everyone. Everyone has the opportunity to treat others with respect.

Article III:  You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful; do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Article III:  There is no guarantee that you will be free from harm. Be more careful. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, take responsibility for your actions. There are no grounds for you to expect the tool manufacturer to be responsible for your actions or to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Article IV:  You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need.

Article IV:  There is no guarantee that you will have food and housing. When you demonstrate your initiative to earn an income, you will have the opportunity to provide for yourself and your family.

Article V:  You do not have the right to free health care.

Article V:  You do have the right to seek professional health care and be responsible for the cost of that service.

Article VI:  You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Article VI:  If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone; you will be accountable for your actions. You may even be sentenced to death. Think about your actions.

Article VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.

Article VII:  If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens; and get caught, you may find yourself locked away in a place without a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.

Article VIII:  You don't have the right to demand that our children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do not enjoy parenting the entire world and do not want to spend so much of our time battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a funny hat.

Article VIII:  As a nation, we have a history of standing for freedom. We strongly dislike oppressive governments and would prefer to focus our energies on taking care of our business at home instead of battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a funny hat.

Article IX:  You don't have the right to a job. Sure, all of us want you all of you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

Article IX:  You have the opportunity to pursue  educational vocational training to give the chance to display your skills either for your employer or yourself as an entrepreneur. Just make yourself useful and contribute.

Article X:  You do not have the right to happiness.  It is not guaranteed to you by the Bill of Rights.

Article X:  Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness--which, by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

If you agree, we strongly urge you to forward this to as many people as you can. No, you don't have to, and nothing tragic will befall you should you not forward it. We just think it is about time common sense is allowed to flourish -- call it the age of reason revisited.

Empowering word choice helps clarity the message. If you agree, we strongly urge you to forward this to as many people as you can. There is no requirement to do so, and nothing tragic will befall you if you skip it. We just think it is about time common sense is allowed to flourish -- call it the age of reason revisited.

Thank you for your suggestions Mr. Napper.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Remember the Ice -- some background on the story.

Remember the Ice is about raising your awareness regarding the use of "(K)notty Words".

Here they are again: Not, Don't, Can't, Won't, Wouldn't, Couldn't, Shouldn't.

The original story, that led to the title of the book, reads as a simple one. Really. Change a sign from negative to positive.

Don't Forget the Ice to Remember the Ice.

Upon further review, it becomes very apparent this is much more than a simple positive message story. And it is so much more. Actually, the story of helping Rick, the manager of the convenience store sell more ice is just the tip of the Iceberg. (And the pun is intended!)

This past July 23rd, Remember the Ice turned 19! Nineteen years of re-framing my written and spoken words to empowering word choice. Hundreds of thousands of times catching myself shifting from a “(K)notty Word” to an empowering alternative.

Since July 23, 1991 @ 10:07 AM, a Tuesday, I have been focused on eradicating the "(K)notty Words" and have been successful. For me, the most empowering words I now use are the Re-Framing Five: Do, Can, Will, Would, Could. The impact of using the new words of choice has played a significant role in the paradigm shifts I have experienced.

And, yes, I would love to hear you got a copy of the book:

• And experienced enhanced relationships because your communication has improved.
• Or, maybe you are in sales and you have experienced a sharp increase because of your new word choice.
• Maybe you just feel better about your self talk.

What ever the case, you have the opportunity to attract more of what you want because you are communicating more effectively.

Empowering Regards,


Saturday, February 5, 2011

There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation

“There is power in the clarity of your articulation.”
Those of you who have picked up a copy of Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts recognize that statement as the first line of Chapter One.

Repetition is the mother of skill, and to effectively internalize and use the concepts taught in my book, seminars and coaching; you need to remind yourself of some basic fundamentals, over and over again.

Take a moment to stop and really think about the power you have in the clarity of what you say.  Your sense of personal power, confidence, and self-esteem are wrapped up in how well you are able to communicate your thoughts, needs, ideas, and desires.  When you articulate clearly and successfully, everything else falls into place.

Poor word choice is a serious obstacle to clear communication and diminishes your personal power.  Imagine how much more power and confidence you would have in your life if you would consistently get you message across clearly.  How empowering do you think it would be to know that your words influence and inspire, rather than confuse and annoy?  I believe few people actually set out to confuse and annoy others.  I believe most of us want to be clear and make sense.  I believe most people just need to know how to do it.

The good news is that you already have everything you need.  It’s just a matter of understanding the how and why of organizing and using your words, and putting it all into practice.

Remember, “There is power in the clarity of your articulation.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The messages that started it all...July 23, 1991 @ 10:07AM

Welcome to the "Ice Chips" Blog

Ice Chips are snippets of content compiled from the simple yet far reaching concept of Remember the Ice and Other Paradigm Shifts. As the author and creator of this empowering word choice program, I have been amazed at its simple complexity.

Wait a minute…… simple complexity?

Well, yes.  Remember the Ice is based on a very simple story, and has far reaching impact on the way you articulate your message.  There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation and Remember the Ice helps you attract the life you want through empowering word choice.

Here is the background story:

In a convenience store on Northern Avenue in Phoenix, AZ, the manager had placed a couple of signs above his cash registers. His intention was to encourage his patrons to buy more ice during the hot desert summer. I lived across the street from this store and came to know him. Rick was working one day as I made a purchase. This time I paused and asked him how his ice sales were going. Perhaps you might think this a strange question. Alas, I am intrigued by words and their juxtapositions as well as the outcomes of behavior.

You see, the signs above the cash registers read: DON’T FORGET THE ICE.

I asked Rick how sales were going. His reply was less than favorable. I paused and asked if I could make a suggestion. I mean, after all, this was Phoenix—in the desert—in the middle of the summer. (110+ degrees in the shade)

“Rick, do you have a couple of pieces of paper and a magic marker?” I inquired. He gave me the items and I quickly made two new signs for him. 

The new signs were: REMEMBER THE ICE.

I left with a knowing smile and purposely stayed away for about three weeks. When I did go back to the store I spoke with Rick about his recent ice sales. “I have ordered three times as much in the last three weeks. Sales are great.”

I smiled and explained what I had done. “If I say to you: Don’t think of the color blue. What color are you thinking of?”

“Why blue of course” he replied.

“Of course.”

Now if I say “don’t forget the ice”, what will you forget?

“Hmmm…the ice.”

Rick's Ice sales increased 500% in 30 days!

Ahhhh.....the power of empowering word choice!