Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interesting take by Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Insists She Isn’t Jealous of Kim Kardashian

"I am the original, so there is nothing like me.... I feel very blessed that I have been very successful on every area. So it's very exciting. There is nothing else to do." —Paris Hilton, on ex-BFF Kim Kardashian becoming more famous than she is, to the Associated Press.
AP Interview: Hilton says she's the 'original'
– Tue Mar 29, 7:52 pm ET
MEXICO CITY – Paris Hilton says she has met all of her professional goals.

The woman who perfected the art of being famous for being famous says she doesn't fear being overshadowed by Kim Kardashian or any other reality show rival.

Hilton said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press that there are many people who try to imitate what she does. But she said, in her words, "I am the original so there is nothing like me."
She added that she has "done everything that I wanted to do and I feel very blessed that I have been very successful on every area. So it's very exciting. There is nothing else to do".
Hilton was in Mexico to promote her new shoe line.

So here is my take on Ms. Hilton's articulation. Just remove the "(K)notty Words".  Here is the message:

Paris Hilton insists she is jealous of Kim Kardashian.

The woman who perfected the art of being famous for being famous says she does fear being overshadowed by Kim Kardashian or any other reality show rival.

Interesting to note her last comment:  There is nothing else to do.

What is her purpose then?   Why bother promoting her new shoe line?

There is a good bit of articulatory chaos going on here.  I enjoy the musings of celebrities.  

Your comments are welcome.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Remember to Keep Your Message Clear and Active

During a recent BNI meeting, Mary, the chapter president was reminding the group of the upcoming Visitor Day.  Unfortunately some of the phrases she used to remind the group included:
  • Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors.
  • Don't forget the upcoming membership drive.
  • We can't fail if we keep inviting.
Taking a look at Mary's requests, I noticed the confusion that others sensed as well:

"Make sure you don't forget to invite visitors."
Registers as:
"Make sure you forget to invite visitors."

"Don't forget the upcoming membership drive."
Registers as:
"Do forget the upcoming membership drive."

"We can't fail if we keep inviting."
Registers as:
"We can fail if we keep inviting."

Her intention is to have visitors who will become new members.  Unfortunately using words like don't and can't weaken your message when it is just as easy, and so much more powerful, to make your point clearly.

When you eradicate the "(K)notty Words" - "not, don't, can't, won't, wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't, try, but, should"--your message will be stronger, more precise, and help you attract more of what you want. Re-Frame your thoughts and retrain your brain to use empowering words like can, do, will, would and could.

The results will astound you.

At the next meeting Mary rephrased her requests to strong reminders:
  • Remember to invite visitors to every meeting
  • Remember the membership drive extravaganza
  • When we bring in six new members during the contest we will qualify for the grand prize drawing!
Now these once passive expressions have become imperative calls to action.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Think before you Write or Speak - Part 3

Well, now we come to the Third Course in this buffet of Thinking before you Write or Speak.

We have acknowledged that:

There is Power in the Clarity of your Articulation

There is Power in the Physiology of your Articulation

......and now the two combine nicely to bring us to the third delicious morsel in this meal of Articulation.

When you have that Clarity and follow it up with appropriate Physiology, the two components coincide and then you have the synchronicity of Congruency.


So, as an author or speaker, to give your reader and listener your most empowered message, focus on having Power in the Congruency of your Articulation. Focus on your empowered word choice to center on clarity, leading to a proactive physiology and top it off with a symphony of congruency.

"Communication is of the utmost importance in business, networking, and life in general and Bob Nicoll's Remember the Ice program demonstrates how powerful results can be achieved in all areas, simply by focusing on word choice. I highly recommend it to everyone."

---Dr. Ivan Misner, NY Times Best Selling Author and Founder of BNI

Congruent behavior follows congruent speech resulting from your congruent thought process......

When you have all of these ingredients moving in the direction of your desired audience, they will be able to enjoy your message. There will be a feeling of oneness with the message. Remember when Chevy Chase in Caddy Shack encouraged his protegee to "be the ball." Well, as your reader is experiencing your scintillating message, allow them to "be congruent with the message."

Allow your word choice to give them their experience of what you were thinking about as you composed it.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the three courses.